Whitney Fredlund

Agile Group Realty

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About Whitney Fredlund

Whitney Fredlund is equipped to provide you with a quality of customer service. Whitney is a Agile Group Realty real estate agent and belongs to the Greater Tampa Board of Realtors. As a dedicated and passionate representative, he is ready to commit to such tasks as; negotiations, market research, and financial transactions. Working alongside him means receiving confident representation in each and every business decision you take on as a team.

I have a unique set of skills that allows me to guide my clients through the entire process, providing them with the information they need to make the best decisions. I provide them with advanced marketing strategies that are tailored to their individual needs, helping them realize they’re real estate potential. I am a dedicated real estate professional and strive to ensure my clients receive the best service possible. I am committed to providing my clients with an exceptional real estate experience and look forward to helping them reach their goals.

I moved from Kansas City in 2010 to the greater Tampa Bay area settling in Pasco and Hernando Counties. Building and buying multiple properties over the last decade has given me vast knowledge in investment, new construction projects, and future growth in the State of Florida.

I now serve the Tampa, Orlando, and Miami areas. My passion for real estate has enabled me to provide my clients with an amazing experience, helping them buy, build, sell, and invest.

When I'm not helping clients, my hobbies include golf, fishing, scuba diving, and music talent managment. I love the outdoors and take every opportunity to explore as many golf courses, reefs, and boating the great State of Florida.

Professional Multimedia Strategies - Matterport 3D, Geolocation, Adwerks Media, Commerical Ads


Whitney B. Fredlund

727-271-8478 (Cell)





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